Appraisal Service Anywhere In The United States

Why Outsource
Your Appraisals?
By Charlie Elliott, MAI, SRA
The methods used by many
lending companies to engage appraisers have been and are in a constant
state of change. In the distant past, a large part of the conventional
mortgage market was local in nature and run by small institutions.
These lending entities were the local savings and loan, credit union
and the local bank. In most cases the appraiser was the guy up the
street, perhaps in the same office building and, almost certainly,
someone in the same town. He was the guy you saw at church on Sunday
morning or at the kid’s afternoon baseball game.
Today, for better or for worse, things are different, very different.
I would say 80% of all mortgage loans are funded by financial
institutions from central office locations outside the venue where the
property securing the mortgage is located. Yes, there are some local
loans made by those small banks and S & Ls, but they are few and far
between, while getting fewer every day. This has been prompted by the
continuous and relentless merging of major banks, consolidating of the
mortgage companies through net branching and the almost complete
disappearance of the savings and loans. The credit unions seem to be
hanging on, but show signs of centralization of management and the
geographic husbanding of resources in order to achieve economies of
scale commensurate with that of their competitors.
More and more real estate appraisers are receiving their marching
orders from vendor management companies distant from their home turf.
The property securing the loan is local and the appraiser is local,
but the financial institution making the loan and the person ordering
the appraisal is most often in some faraway city. This scenario brings
one to question what is the best resource of the financial institution
to obtain appraisals in distant locations. What advantages do
appraisal management companies offer, and why would a bank choose to
outsource its appraisal services?
Those in the lending profession who have been responsible for ordering
appraisals over a broad geographic area know what a challenge it can
be, particularly if there are large numbers of transactions to keep
track of. That is what we would hope for, right? Issues of overhead
cost, tracking and appraiser selection are only a few of the issues,
which can be a drain on resources.
Listed below are a few of the pros favoring the outsourcing of
Appraiser Independence –
Today bank regulators are placing more emphasis on appraiser
independence. On October 27, 2003, the Comptroller of the Currency
and four other major federal bank regulators sent financial
institutions a directive reminding their directors of the importance
of appraiser independence. The directive stated that property owners
and loan sales people are prohibited from selecting appraisers and
that the directors are held responsible for violations of the
regulations which will be scrutinized during institutional audits.
One of the most important benefits an appraisal outsourcing company
can provide a bank is the opportunity for the bank to insulate
itself from questions of impropriety having to do with appraiser
selection and influence.
Reduced Overhead –
Organizations that outsource appraisal management tasks stand to
gain by reducing their staff overhead as the function of
administrating and monitoring appraisals is passed to the appraisal
company. Under an outsourcing plan, costs are identifiable and may
be transferred to the borrower as part of the true cost of acquiring
the appraisal. Many financial institutions currently maintaining
appraisal management departments are unable to pass this cost to the
borrower since it is not part of the appraisal fee. Another related
benefit of outsourcing is the ability to know what true costs are
and, even if some of these costs are absorbed, it is at the
conscious level and in quantifiable amounts.
One Stop Shopping - The
convenience of calling one number, sending faxes to one number,
going to only one web order platform or delivering lists of
properties and getting appraisal service over a broad geographic
area, frees up management to do what it does best, sell and make
Online Tracking System –
Many, if not most appraisal management companies, offer clients
online tracking free of charge. This is very helpful in keeping
transactions on track and communicating with borrowers about the
status of the transaction.
Pre Qualification of
Appraisers – Those in the lending profession, who have managed
appraisal purchases nationally, know what a challenge it can be to
not only locate and select appraisers, but to also insure their
qualification. A good national appraisal company will provide this
service, insuring that the appraiser possesses the proper experience
and education, has the proper current certification, is properly
covered by professional liability insurance and can be trusted to
perform the work at hand.
Organizational Harmony –
Most of us are aware of the internal conflicts and organizational
discord that can take place within a financial organization when all
tasks are performed in house. When things do not go well, it must be
someone’s fault, right? This is especially the case when loans do
not close, paychecks are on the line, and the appraised value of the
collateral comes in lower than anticipated. Would you want to be the
person who selected the appraiser, having to face your fellow
workers depending the closing of a mortgage to pay their mortgage?
With outsourcing, this problem becomes a more distant issue out of
the control of the people working within the financial organization.
Does this example also bring better into focus the issues of
appraiser independence?
The objective of this
article is to look at some of the positive reasons a financial
institution would contract with an appraisal company to manage its
appraisal procurement. Those issues sited above are not intended to be
all of the positive reasons for outsourcing appraisal services, but
some of the most important. Perhaps in today’s environment, where
regulatory compliance, cost containment, operating efficiency and
specialization are the buzzwords of the industry, outsourcing may be
worth considering by your organization. The benefits of appraisal
outsourcing are not just for large banks. Many, if not all of the
efficiencies and benefits offered above will work to the advantage of
small institutions as well as mortgage brokers.
Charlie W. Elliott Jr., MAI, SRA, is President of
ELLIOTT® & Company Appraisers, a national real estate appraisal company.
He can be reached at (800) 854-5889 or or
through the company’s Web site at