Appraisal Service Anywhere In The United States

Time for a National Lending Standard
by Charlie Elliott, Jr. MAI, SRA
Most of
us would agree that civilized societies, by virtue
of human nature, must subscribe as a group to
social, professional, ethical and legal norms. Even
with these influences within our society, the system
sometimes breaks down and society as a whole suffers
from the actions of a few unscrupulous individuals
who have little interest or empathy for their fellow
man. We also have, within the umbrella of the home
mortgage industry, our share of over-the-top and
beyond-the-pale conduct by a few individuals who
serve to tarnish the image of our industry. Is this
because we do not have enough rules and regulations
or is it because of the type of rules and
regulations we have?
Now, I don’t know about you, but, from my vantage
point, there certainly does not seem to be a
shortage of the number of regulations within our
country and profession.
We in the mortgage industry have been subjected to
most every kind of scrutiny known to mankind within
the past few years. While most of it is governmental
in the form of laws or regulations, it does not stop
there. We, as players within our arena, find
ourselves monitored, pressured, regulated and
influenced from the press, as well as from civic,
religious, political, social and educational
institutions and organizations. At times, the
pressures of our environment seem to become so
onerous that we must question how much more of this
regulatory overhead we, as people and professionals,
can endure.
There seems to be a tendency to gravitate in the
direction of adding more and more laws and
regulations in an effort to combat the problems
caused by a very few. All too often the additional
controls affect the culprits very little and the
compliance burden is placed upon those demonstrating
and practicing good faith. An example here would be
a 20-mile-per-hour speed zone created on a busy
street where numerous accidents have occurred, only
to find out that these accidents were caused by
people who were not obeying the previous
45-mile-per-hour speed limit. This penalizes many in
the form of an artificially low speed limit, imposed
on those willing to abide by the speed limit while
those whom ignored the 45 mile per hour speed limit
are even more abusive in the new speed zone than
they were in the old zone. This is a classic example
of making our laws more restrictive while not
enforcing the lesser restrictive laws.
It is inevitable that, as part of the price of
living in such a dynamic and prosperous nation, we
must expect a degree of bureaucracy not experienced
by those living in tribes in the rain forest making
their living as gatherers, hunters and fisherman.
Having said that, I, for one, am seeking a middle
ground of which I do not see our society gravitating
A prime example is that of the tremendous number of
state banking laws that are not consistent or
congruent with those of other states and/or the
federal government. This may make sense if these
states were in a vacuum and if the mortgage and
finance businesses were not businesses of interstate
commerce. There was, perhaps, a time when banking
was local, but that ended many years ago. Tools and
events such as the telephone, fax, Internet, bank
mergers and the savings-and-loan debacle of the
‘80s, coupled with the most mobile society ever
known to mankind, have made banking in our country a
national industry crossing many state boundaries.
It does make sense for all of us to be concerned
about such issues as predatory lending, bank fraud,
usury and consumer privacy, but why is it necessary
for each of our 50 states, and the federal
government to boot, all to have different and
separate laws and regulations on these issues. This
is especially the case when we consider the fact
that virtually all home loans are products of
interstate commerce. From my prospective as an
appraisal professional, virtually every loan
transaction in which our company is involved touches
not just a couple but a number of states and
geographic areas. An example would be a borrower
living and owing a home in New Jersey and working
and paying state and city taxes in New York. He has
a friend in Florida who is a mortgage broker who
uses an appraisal management company headquarters in
Alabama. The funding bank is in California, the PMI
Company is out of Chicago and, well, it goes on and
on. You probably could think of more players in
other places than I have, but you get my drift.
What should be done about this mess? This is my
There should be one set of national standards for
loan officers and one for appraisers. Each state
should certify individuals from each profession
through their boards as most do now, using common
federal rules and regulations. The state would
enforce rules but would not make them. There would
be no emphasis on state borders. All continuing
education should be to one national standard, and
could be taken anywhere. No professional would be
required to have more than one state license, which
like a driver’s license, would be good in any state.
State boards would be required to assist each other
with rule enforcement, as do the police in
state-to-state law enforcement. There should be a
national database to weed out the crooks attempting
to take their crime from one state to another.
All lending institutions should be subject to one
set of federal banking laws and regulations. Each
state should be required to adopt these laws and to
assist in the enforcement of them. Since predatory
lending is a bad thing it should be a bad thing not
just in some states but in all. There should be a
set of clearly written laws that must be followed in
all states. This would save the banking industry
billions of dollars and would also protect consumers
better than today’s laws. The same would hold true
for other consumer protection issues.
Other banking regulations pertaining to the
financial strength of institutions would also be
subject to one national standard and would be much
easier to administer than today’s cumbersome system.
Duplicate and overlapping federal regulations from
different agencies should also be consolidated
creating further efficiencies. We are only one
country, why should we have multiple sets of rules
and regulations.
The above suggestions would serve our consumers and
our banks much better than the current system. It
would create efficiencies that would reduce
operating cost of banks and make loans more
economical to consumers. It would be a fairer system
to those professionals who constantly find
themselves wondering if they are violation a law or
regulation. And finally, it would be a system that
would provide fairer more consistent protection to
the borrowing public.
Charlie W. Elliott Jr., MAI, SRA, is President of
ELLIOTT® & Company Appraisers, a national real estate appraisal company.
He can be reached at (800) 854-5889 or or
through the company’s Web site at