Appraisal Service Anywhere In The United States

Will Technology Replace Appraisers
By Charlie Elliott, MAI, SRA
For at
least 10 years or so, there has been a buzz going on
in lending and appraisal circles. It might be
occurring in the office cafeteria, trade
publications, professional association meetings or
at trade conferences. It has to do with a question
which can cause quite a stir depending upon which
camp you are in and how you put shoes on the feet of
your children and bread on the table.
It all started, as best I can remember back in the
‘90s. This was just about the time when Automated
Valuation Models (AVMs) first began to be used on
any significant scale. This new tool was greeted
with enthusiasm by lenders and not so
enthusiastically by appraisers. One need not have a
MBA from Harvard to quickly understand why these two
camps, lenders and appraisers, might be at odds.
Lenders are quick to tell anyone who will listen
that the appraisal is the most difficult part of the
mortgage-lending puzzle. Why would two groups of
professionals be at such odds on an issue, which
involves what many would consider a common sense
approach to protecting the interest of the average
citizen and taxpayer?
Herein lies the problem. The government, for all
practical purposes, guarantees, in one of two ways
all loans made in our country. The first guarantee
is through the Government Sponsored Enterprises (GSEs),
such as Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, which buy
mortgages from lenders. This system allows financial
institutions to replenish their supply of mortgage
capital to make additional loans once their capital
is exhausted. The GSEs are not allowed to buy loans
that do not meet their collateral guidelines, which,
in most cases, require the opinion of a certified
appraiser. The second guarantee is through the
Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. (FDIC), which
guarantees depositors that their money is safe when
deposited in banks and other financial institutions.
These deposits cannot be considered safe if banks
make portfolio loans that are not sound.
In our country, either the GSEs or the FDIC or both
do not cover very few mortgage loans are made that.
We need not go back further than the
savings-and-loan debacle of the 1980s to understand
why federal regulators require that
government-backed mortgage loans be properly
underwritten and secured. Federal law changed after
the multi-billion-dollar bailout through the Federal
Institutions Reform, Recovery and Enforcement Act of
1989 (FIRREA). This law requires among other things
that federally backed loans, depending upon the
degree of risk, be secured by properties that have
been appraised by state-certified real-estate
appraisers. After this law was passed, all
professional real-estate appraisers were required to
become state certified, thus providing the mortgage
industry with the environment in which we work
Given that the government is on the hook for most
mortgages, lenders, in many cases, are for, all
practical purposes, not using their own money. It is
in their best interest to make as many loans as
possible as economically and expeditiously as
possible. Appraisers, justified or not, can become
an obstacle in the path of the lending process in a
number of ways. This obstacle may be from of
delaying the closing of the transaction a week or
more while the appraisal is being prepared or from
an opinion of value, which prevents the loan from
being made. For these reasons, most lenders would
prefer not to go through the process of having an
appraisal prepared. The appraiser, on the other
hand, typically sees non-appraisal evaluations as
inferior to true appraisals and a threat to his or
her livelihood. This concept may better be
understood by the loan originator, when compared to
the possibility that his or her job could be
eliminated due to new legislation requiring all
banks to take loan applications over the Internet,
thereby eliminating the loan originator.
Federal guidelines have loosened up somewhat in
recent years, permitting loans to be made, in some
cases, without a certified appraisal. In many of
these cases, the alternative to the appraisal
prepared by a certified appraiser is that of an AVM,
a collateral evaluation tool born strictly out of
technology. Depending upon whom you talk to, it
would appear that about 15-to-20 % of all first
mortgages are made using an AVM as an exclusive
property evaluation tool. Said another way, today
some 80 to 85% of all loans require a certified
appraisal supporting the value of the collateral
prior to the closing of a loan. On equity lines,
which banks usually keep in their own portfolio,
lenders report that AVMs are used on an estimated
50% of the loans as an exclusive method of
collateral evaluation. The remaining 50% require
some sort of appraisal.
The question is whether the industry will permit
more, or all, collateral evaluations in the future
to be made using AVMs, thereby eliminating the need
for the appraiser.
While there undoubtedly will be many collateral
evaluations performed electronically in the future,
there are a number of reasons that the role of the
appraiser is critical to the collateral evaluation
process. There are two of which guarantee that the
services of many appraisers will be needed in the
The first is that, while AVMs can provide accuracy
in many instances, they are generally not as
accurate as a certified appraisal. This is
especially the case in less-populated areas having a
less than homogenous stock of housing. Certified
appraisers inspect houses and make judgmental
decisions in a way not possible by electronic
evaluations. Issues such as making allowances for
design an appeal, property condition, property
location as well as proving that the property
actually exists can prove challenging to the most
accurate AVM. Only people can do these things, and
there will always be a need for this service.
Second, in today’s market there is more concern
about fraud as well as the solvency of the GSEs.
While this is not to say that appraisers cannot and
do not participate in fraud, fraud is less likely
when an independent appraiser is hired to locate the
property, evaluate it and make a report of his or
her findings. The key here is independence, where
the appraiser is engaged by an unbiased party to the
transaction. There is also quite a stir today on
Capitol Hill about the financial strength of the
GSEs. Most any legislation designed to address GSE
financial strength will undoubtedly favor the use of
more, not fewer, appraisals.
There will always be low-risk situations where
appraisals are not required. To prove this, loans
are made to individuals which require no collateral
at all and that are based solely on the borrower’s
perceived ability to repay the loan. In such cases
if a house is thrown as additional security, for
good measure, having an appraisal may be less
necessary. Contrarily, a loan made to someone with
questionable credit in an area where housing values
are unstable and/or where there are few comparable
sales will most surely require a certified
appraisal. It has been my observation that, in some
geographic areas, AVMs either cannot be performed at
all or have an accuracy deviation which can amount
to 50% or more of the value of the property.
So the lender and the appraiser should get use to
one another. For the foreseeable future the
appraiser’s job is safe and the lender can expect to
use him.
Oh, and one last closing thought. AVMs in many if
not most cases provide values less than that of an
appraisal due to the age of the comparables and the
shortcomings of the AVM to reflect adjustments.
Lenders may just be able to make more and larger
loans with the help of the appraiser when AVM values
are lagging the market.
Charlie W. Elliott Jr., MAI, SRA, is President of
ELLIOTT® & Company Appraisers, a national real estate appraisal company.
He can be reached at (800) 854-5889 or or
through the company’s Web site at