Appraisal Service Anywhere In The United States

Values Sizzle and Freeze,
Depending on the Region
By Charlie Elliott Jr., MAI, SRA
We hear
a lot about home values increasing and how the home
is the best investment that most of us will ever
have. It is true that last year, 2004, was one of
the best years on record for home price increases,
at least in parts of the country.
This is evidenced by the March report of the Office
of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight (OFHEO).
This organization is a division of the U S
Department of Housing and Urban Development and is
the watchdog for the government overseeing the
Government Sponsored Enterprises (GSEs) which
Include Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. Given their
position, they have access to all of the nationwide
housing statistics in each market, and they
regularly produce the Housing Price Index (HPI).
During 2004, home values increased nationally more
than they have in 25 years to an average annual rate
of 11.2%, reports the OFHEO. Another report coming
from the National Association of Realtors (NAR)
reflected an increase of 9.26% in the median sales
price of existing homes from an average of $169,500
from the end of 2003 to $185,200 at the end of 2004.
In spite of the skyrocketing prices in many areas of
the country, not all homeowners have been pleased
with the rate of increase in value of their homes.
In some areas of the country home value appreciation
barely existed; in others homes increased in value
at a blistering rates in excess of 30%, according to
the OFHEO.
Listed below is a more local metropolitan area
breakdown, of some of the changes in home values
around the country that fall outside the mainstream
or average values as reported by OFHEO:
Hot Areas:
Vegas, NV 36%
Bakersfield, CA 30%
Reno, NV 30%
Riverside, CA 30%
Visalia, CA 27%
Cold Areas
Anderson, SC 1%
Sioux City, IA 1%
Columbus, IN 2%
Mansfield, OH 2%
Austin, TX 2%
You may be
asking yourself, what the people in Anderson, SC, did
to deserve the lowest rating of any metropolitan area
in the country. Furthermore, and perhaps more
intriguing, what did the Las Vegas people have going
for them that we did not in our area? There is
probably no one answer since many factors go into
determining home value appreciation. If I had to
settle on one, I would “place my bets” on the local
economy. You probably could not help but notice the
reference to gambling in the phrase addressing why Las
Vegas is at the top of the heap. That was no accident.
Gambling and the related economic effects that
accommodate it was the engine that boosted the
fortunes of those owning a home near the strip. Notice
that Reno was not far behind its larger sister in our
“Red Hot Areas.”
As for Anderson, SC, an overall sluggish economy in
both Carolinas has contributed to the lackluster home
appreciation. The area has been plagued with many
factory closings in recent months. This can generally
be attributed to competition from overseas in textiles
and related industries.
Perhaps more analysis is in order to get a handle on
the complete spectrum of housing value changes
increases. It would not be accurate to portray a small
area in Nevada and California as the only area of the
country where substantial home value increases
occurred during 2004. There were many areas that
experienced value increases in excess of 20% within
the past year. Nor would it be proper to imply that
the Carolinas are the only places experiencing a near
stagnant housing market. Listed below are a few
additional geographic areas displaying both favorable
and unfavorable housing appreciation statistics as
further reported by the OFHEO.
Bay, FL 26%
Angeles, CA 25%
Diego, CA 24%
Palm Beach, FL 23%
St. Lucie, FL 23%
Youngstown, PA 3%
Saginaw, MI 3%
Indianapolis, IN 3%
Toledo, OH 3%
Bolder, CO 3%
While much
could be said for the reasons the above sampling of
geographic areas have displayed hot or cool housing
markets, a couple of key issues come to mind which
should be addressed.
There is a common thread in the hot areas, not all of
which is shown on the sampling above. It seems that
our entire country is obsessed by water properties,
both water front and near water. It is no accident
that all five of the hot areas listed above are areas
which benefit from their location on or very near the
ocean, and that’s not all. Many other areas
demonstrating rapid appreciation are water areas,
including Virginia Beach, VA, Honolulu, HI,
Hagerstown, MD, and Medford, OR, all of which had
appreciation rates at or above 20% last year. Homes
located in rich playgrounds, resort areas and areas of
sunshine are also among the high appreciation areas.
While much of the time these areas are also near water
they are also basking in appreciation and usually
frequented by those owing two or more homes.
Cool areas are somewhat harder to classify into one
group but it is fair to say that most are in areas
where the economy is sluggish due to plant closings,
layoffs and a general lackluster economy. Some cities
experiencing appreciation rates at or below 5% in 2004
include Nashville, TN, Detroit, MI, Fort Worth, TX,
Pittsburgh, PA, Tulsa, OK, and Rochester, NY.
For those of us wanting to get into act of making
money on our homes, a few points should be considered.
Shy away from buying homes in areas of high
unemployment, lower socioeconomic parts of town and
areas experiencing slowdowns in economic growth. Areas
demonstration aggressive technology expansion should
be favored over those relying heavily on factory jobs,
as many of these jobs are going overseas. Homes
located in or near vacation areas, beaches, lakes,
heavy growth, second homes, etc., are to be given
prime consideration.
Having said all of this, it should be noted that some
years are better than others, and, as with the stock
market, a rising tide is an advantage to all boats.
Having just come off a year with very high tide,
caution is advised. It should be further noted that
the OFHEO also reported that the last quarter of 2004
demonstrated the weakest quarter of the year
representing a slowdown from the other quarters. With
interest rates rising finding the appreciation niche
in housing may be more difficult in 2005.
Charlie W. Elliott Jr., MAI, SRA, is President of
ELLIOTT® & Company Appraisers, a national real estate appraisal company.
He can be reached at (800) 854-5889 or or
through the company’s Web site at