Appraisal Service Anywhere In The United States

Expensive, Yet More Affordable
by Charlie Elliott, MAI, SRA
A sure sign that we’re in a new
year is a lot of study results are coming our
way. Primarily, these are conclusions of studies
that had been conducted the previous year.
Three of them appear to be particularly
(1) A National Association of Home Builders (NAHB)
study revealed that the costs of building homes
increased dramatically last year.
(2) A National Association of Realtors (NAR)
study concluded that the U.S. median home price
rose a whopping 13.6% in 2005.
(3) A report published by Moody’s
indicated that housing in the United States has
actually become, as a whole, more affordable.
Now the conclusions of Study No. 1 on the above
list certainly blend in with the conclusions of
Study No. 2. However, the results of Study No. 3
seem rather contradictory in light of the
reports generated from the first two studies.
How can that be? In order to try to find an
answer to this question, we need to take a
closer look at the above three reports.
The NAHB report concluded that prices of
building materials increased by about 10% last
year. Hurricane Katrina and her evil sister Rita
caused a spike in the costs of concrete, PVC
pipe and other products, which led to building
materials overall going up in double figures.
Higher interest rates and energy costs also
contributed to the increasing home building
The NAR study showed that home prices are going
up accordingly. It must be pointed out that the
13.6% figure is the median, not the average.
What this means is half the homes went up by
more than 13.6% and the other half rose in price
by less than 13.6%, not counting the few that
actually rose by exactly 13.6%. The average
increase in U.S. home values for 2005, which
should be available in yet another study after
press time, would probably be larger than the
median, due to the fact that stupendous home
price increases in areas of California, Nevada,
Florida and other states would add to its
While expenses (in this case, building costs)
are a key factor is pricing, it’s fair to say
the law of supply and demand takes center stage
in real estate pricing. Demand has really
skyrocketed in the greater D.C. area, as well as
the states previously mentioned.
It’s also important to note that this same study
showed that price increases actually cooled down
a bit during the fourth quarter of ‘05 and that
David Lereah, the NAR’s chief economist,
predicts this trend will continue.
Now let’s move on to the Moody’s study. It
concluded that housing is more affordable in
this country. The report on Moody’s Web site,, determined that the percentage of a
typical American family’s income that was needed
for mortgage payments was 30% in 1982. By 2005
that figure had dropped to 22%.
So the fact that houses as well as building
materials have seen significant increases has
not led to an adverse effect on housing
affordability. The study gives three
explanations of that in its conclusion: low
interest rates, higher incomes and more housing.
As previously stated at the beginning of this
column, those studies were about last year. As
businessmen and businesswomen, our concern is
now about this year and beyond. So let’s take a
look at those reasons and see if we can continue
to count on them.
The lowering of the interest rates earlier in
the millennium was a godsend to our businesses
and the economy as a whole. Housing,
construction, real estate and the financing of
this activity truly drove the economy during
troubled times in the wake of 9/11. Now interest
rates are creeping back up, but some economists
have predicted these increases will end after
this month. If interest rates hold from here on
out, they will remain historically low.
Rising incomes are not quite such a sure thing.
The U.S. economy has lost a lot of manufacturing
jobs in recent years. Meanwhile, most of the new
jobs created are coming from the service sector,
and these jobs typically do not tend pay as
much. Many employers are increasing wages and
salaries to keep up with inflation, but the
changing of guard from the manufacturing sector
to the service sector is a bit unsettling.
The new construction going on is encouraging. We
have seen a lot of construction draw inspections
in our business and yet another study, this one
by the U.S. Department of Commerce, reported
that this past January saw home building
activity churning along at a record pace. The
Commerce Department report said that the
construction of new homes and apartments was
14.5% higher in January than it had been in
December. Construction was at a seasonally
adjusted annual rate of 2.276 million units,
which makes it the highest construction rate
since March 1973. Single-family home
construction rose 12.8% to 1.819 million units,
the highest ever. And multi-family units went up
21.9% to 457,000 units.
And there’s more: The issuance of building
permits in January was an impressive 2.217
units. Since building permits are not affected
by the weather I look at this as a sign that
home building will be strong throughout 2006.
It would be remiss to fail to mention that the
Moody’s study did point out that housing
affordability is definitely not guaranteed
throughout the country. In parts of California
and New York, as well as the Boston and Chicago
areas the percentage of family income required
to pay home mortgages currently exceeds 40%. It
is in areas like this, where I believe
construction is at its fastest pace. This should
improve the affordability issues in these
In conclusion, we all have a lot at stake when
it comes to the housing in this country.
Lenders, builders, Realtors, appraisers,
suppliers and homeowners, not to mention those
catching a ride on the waves in other businesses
are all stakeholders.
While there is yet any substantial proof of a
housing recession, I plan to approach the
housing market in my business with cautious
optimism and suggest that you do, also.
Charlie W. Elliott Jr., MAI, SRA, is President of
ELLIOTT® & Company Appraisers, a national real estate appraisal company.
He can be reached at (800) 854-5889 or or
through the company’s Web site at