Appraisal Service Anywhere In The United States

Properties for the Non-Conforming Loan
By Charlie
Elliott, MAI, SRA
An appraisal is an
appraisal regardless of the type property or
type loan to be made on the property, right?
Does the non-conforming loan not speak to the
loan, as opposed to the appraisal or the
There very well may be confusion on some of
the above because we do have a somewhat
complex system as it relates to whether a loan
is conforming. The first question may be,
“conforming to what or who?”. Typically in
today’s lending environment the term
conforming applies to that of the Government
Sponsored Enterprises or GSEs.
We have two primary GSEs in the United States,
Federal National Mortgage Association (FNMA or
Fannie Mae) and Federal Home Loan Mortgage
Corporation (FHLMC or Freddie Mac).
While there may be some differing opinions,
depending upon whom one may be talking to,
these are the two organizations that set the
tone for the residential mortgage market in
the United States, by buying packages of loans
from mortgage companies and banks. This
provides liquidity for the banks to make a lot
more loans when their capital has been
exhausted. The GSEs do have standards under
which they are expected to operate. These
regulations may exclude certain borrowers or
properties from the loan process, because they
fall outside the conforming loan category into
that of the non-conforming loan category.
Generally in our lending community when the
term non-conforming is used, it is used within
the context of meeting the underwriting
guidelines of the GSEs. A variety of
conditions may apply that rule out a potential
loan as a conforming loan, including borrower
credit, borrower employment, the down payment,
the amount of the loan or the state of the
property used for collateral.
One of the main conforming loan criteria, of
which much is heard, is that of maximum loan
amount. Recently Congress and the Bush
administration increased the maximum loan
amount under the Economic Stimulus Package to
$729,750 in some markets. This is a huge
increase over that of 2007, which was
$417,000. Historically, this amount has been
much lower in many markets. Loans above the
GSE maximum threshold are said to be a jumbo
loans. This non-conforming product has been
made available by some banks and by Wall
Street investors to fill a void of generally
high-quality loans not covered by the GSEs.
The sub-prime meltdown has caused many of the
alternative-secondary-market buyers of loans
on Wall Street to dry up, leaving many
borrowers with few choices. One popular
alternative has been the FHA loan, which has
basically been the government sponsored
sub-prime loan alternative. This loan
typically caters to the lower-end buyer and is
currently one of the more popular
non-conforming loans.
For purposes of this article, we will focus on
the non-conforming aspects of the property
and/or the appraisal that reflects the state
of the property. This may include the
appraised value, location, design and
condition, as they relate to a qualifying
conforming loan.
As a principal in an appraisal management
company and one who is routinely involved in
appraisal-problem solving, I often hear from
lenders who have received appraisals that do
not support the loan amounts applied for by
the borrower. In cases like this the lenders
most often say that there is something wrong
with the appraisal. While there have been
times when this is true, all too often rather
than something being wrong with the appraisal,
there is something wrong with the property. An
example of this would be a circumstance where
a property has significant amounts of deferred
physical maintenance or where it has major
functional obsolescence. In cases of deferred
maintenance, examples may include a roof that
has outlived its useful life, a wet basement
requiring major repairs or a complete paint or
floor-covering job. Functional obsolesce may
exist when it is necessary for one to pass
through a bedroom to reach a bathroom or where
there are too few bedrooms, such as one or
two, in an otherwise large home. In these
cases it is necessary for the appraiser to
disclose these conditions in the appraisal,
which may disqualify the property as a
candidate for a conforming loan.
Government regulations require at a minimum,
that loans on all federally related
transactions, with a transaction value of
$250,000 or over, have an appraisal prepared
by a state certified real estate appraisal.
Appraisers are further required to conform to
Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal
Practice or USPAP. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac
also require appraisals on many transactions
below the $250,000 threshold on loans that
they purchase, depending upon various factors,
such as credit worthiness and down payments.
This would be considered the conforming
market, as opposed to the non-conforming.
Automated valuations and tax assessors’
records are generally accepted evaluation
methods in the conforming market under certain
conditions. This is usually on low-risk
transactions, where the collateral is
considered to be a secondary issue.
In general, the standards applied to a
conforming loan, relating to an appraisal of
the property, require that it demonstrate that
the property conforms to the market. This
means that the property is one that will be in
demand and able to be sold, in the event that
it becomes necessary to foreclose upon the
property, an event we have lately been
experiencing more often than we would like to.
Said another way, properties having qualities,
in which the mainstream buyer may have a
problem with, many times do not qualify for a
non-conforming loan. It may mean that the
property contains deficiencies, but not
always. Some properties are superior to the
mainstream and these, many times, are ruled
out as a candidate as collateral for a
conforming loan. An example of this would be a
10,000-square-foot log cabin on 40 acres of
land, located in the mountains. This property
on the surface may sound like the perfect
retreat and an excellent property upon which
to make a loan. That may be true, but it may
also not be non-conforming when put under the
microscope of Fannie and Freddie. If it is far
superior to other properties in the
neighborhood it may be what is called in
appraisal terminology “super adequate.” Yes,
it may be a property that will have a very
narrow appeal to only a few people; therefore,
its marketability may suffer from the lack of
qualified buyers. Also, this type property,
depending upon the loan-to-value ratio, may
qualify as collateral for a jumbo loan. In
this case, there would not necessarily be
anything wrong with the property, however, it
may exceed the loan limit for the geographic
area by the GSEs, and may require funding
elsewhere as non-conforming.
In conclusion, the conforming loan is just
that, one that conforms to the general market.
This means that the transaction must be a
fairly typical transaction that equates to one
of low risk. Loans that fall out of the
mainstream are accompanied many times with
increased risk. That is what conforming is
about, reducing risk. Not only must the
transaction qualify as low risk from the
standpoint of the qualifications of the
borrower, but the property must also qualify
as low-risk collateral for the particular
Many properties are found to be non-conforming
by the GSEs because of the risk factor that
they represent in their portfolio. Sometimes
this risk is manifested in defects in a
property, which are reflected in an appraisal.
Not always is a non-conforming property to be
considered a defective one. It may be a
super-adequate one. In such cases, it does not
mean that the borrower cannot qualify for a
loan. It just means that a non-conforming
source must be found. This source may be the
local bank willing to carry it in its own
portfolio. Other sources may be a special
funding through investors, willing to invest
in less-than-typical loans.
The non-conforming loan may be associated with
the negative in that it will be a poor
investment, however, this is not always the
case. It may be a very positive thing for the
right investor, particularly if the investor
is able to charge a premium to offset the
additional risk associated with the
Charlie W. Elliott Jr., MAI, SRA, is President of
ELLIOTT® & Company Appraisers, a national real estate appraisal company.
He can be reached at (800) 854-5889 or or
through the company’s Web site at