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What is a Real Deal in
Real Estate? By Charlie Elliott,
Amongst all of the stressful trials and
tribulations of the economy lately, many are looking for a silver lining in what
has been, for the most part, a very cloudy set of circumstances. Even though it
is common knowledge that interest rates are at an all-time low and that real
estate is selling, in some cases, for half what it did only two or three years
ago, many people are reluctant to get into the market. There seems to be an
element of confusion in the air.
I am going to suggest to you that the
case for real estate investment is not that different from that of stocks. Most
people do not understand what is actually going on, who to trust and who not to
trust. We hear stories of great deals on foreclosures, yet not everyone is
looking to buy foreclosures. Sometimes we hear of ridiculously low prices and at
other times prices do not seem to be that different from what they were in the
past. We hear statements like “The property is being offered for sale for half
of the appraised value.” If it literally is being offered for half of the
appraised value, what is an appraisal worth anyway? Why is this, and how might
we look at this issue of real, real estate values? To those with questions
regarding this, I offer the following:
Time: The value of real estate
changes with time, and lately it has been changing a lot. If a property is being
offered at half of the appraised value, when was the appraisal made? Every
appraisal has an effective date. If the effective date of an appraisal was two
years ago, it is misleading to maintain that the property is being offered at
half of the appraised value. It would be accurate to state that the property is
being offered at half of what the appraised value was two years ago. But that
does not happen, does it? Sales people tend to overlook facts of this type
Definition of value: Many people are not aware that there are
many types of value and each value carries with it a different dollar amount.
The type value and the definition of this value must be stated in each appraisal
in order for the appraisal to meet current appraisal standards. This is the
case, yet when did you hear someone state the type value addressed in a given
While there are many types of values addressed within a real
estate appraisal, market value is the most common. This is when a property is
exposed to the market through traditional means, providing, among other things,
professional marketing and offering buyers adequate time to shop and to make
competent decisions.
Would this be the same value used in connection
with the foreclosure of a property? The answer is no. If an appraiser were asked
to appraise a property pending foreclosure proceedings, would the value be the
same as that if it were subjected to the market through the Multiple Listing
Service? It would not. The appraiser would be seeking a liquidation value that
will almost always be lower than market value. This is because the appraiser is
to assume that the property is subject to auction and that buyers will be
required to purchase on the spur of the moment, sometimes without inspecting the
property or having all of the facts concerning a property. The transaction
usually does not permit a buyer to apply for and get a loan approved for the
particular property Instead it requires the buyer to come up with cash for the
entire purchase price. Said another way, liquidation value is more of fire sale
approach, and it will be less than market value. The average consumer does not
always know this and may be deceived by the appraised value.
conclusion these, are just a couple of issues that make the process of buying
and selling real estate complicated and sometimes can catch the average person
off guard. For those having concerns about these or other confusing issues, I
recommend that they solicit the services of a real estate professional, whether
it is a broker or an appraiser. A few dollars invested with a true professional
can be worth many dollars in savings when compared to that of going it alone.
Charlie W. Elliott, Jr., MAI, SRA, is president of Elliott & Company
Appraisers, a national real estate appraisal company. He can be reached at (800)
854-5889, or through the company’s Web site at