Appraisal Service Anywhere In The United States

Challenging the
By Charlie Elliott, MAI, SRA
You have all been there; that is if you have
been in the mortgage business for longer than two-or-three transactions. You are
shepherding a loan along the pathway to a closing for a client. The client has a
job, you have qualified the client for income, you have pulled the client's
credit report, he has the proper down payment, and everything seems hunky-dory.
Then it happens; you get a call from the underwriting department, and you hear
that dreaded statement. "It didn't appraise," which is colloquial for "The
appraiser is of the opinion that the property is worth less than the estimated
value that the loan was based upon."
What is a self-respecting loan officer to do? First, there is always the
possibility that the homeowner lied about what he paid for the property or that
the tax card is in error. Then, there is the possibility that the market has
tanked so much within the past year or two, because of the rotten economy, that
the subject property has lost most of its value. But wait; there is one other
possibility. The appraiser just may be flat-out wrong. Is he competent, does he
know the market, was he in too much of a hurry, or was there data supporting a
higher market value than that which the appraiser came up with?
I have been an appraiser, review appraiser, appraisal manager and the owner of
an appraisal management company for about three decades. There is little about
real estate appraisals that I have not been subjected to. We have all seen
challenging markets, I have made my share of mistakes, I have seen others make
mistakes, and when there is a question about the accuracy of an
appraisal, I have learned not to jump to conclusions one way or another. When
presented with an appraisal challenge from a client, it is almost always
accompanied with an excess of emotion and precious little in the form of
relevant facts. To the borrower, it is getting the proceeds from the loan. To
the loan officer, it is closing the deal and paying this month's rent. These,
however, are not reasons to challenge the appraisal. This must be done with
relevant facts, facts not about either of the players among the cast of
characters, but about the property and the market.
Once I heard a wise appraiser talking to a property owner. The owner had made
the statement that there was something wrong with a certain appraisal. The
appraiser calmly responded, "Sir, there is something wrong, but it is not wrong
with the appraisal. There is something wrong with the property."
If we are to properly evaluate the circumstances surrounding an appraisal,
within a transaction, we must get past the fact that we want the transaction to
close. We must honestly say to ourselves, "What is the property actually worth?"
This must come from the market and not from a preconceived notion that a
property is worth X amount.
That being said, I am listing three things that we in our company commonly find
wrong with appraisals, when the appraiser has made a mistake.
The subject is superior to the comparable
sales used. In today's market, finding good comparable sales is tough. Do not
be afraid to ask your Realtor or borrower if they are aware of any other
higher-priced properties, which have recently sold near the subject, that have
not been considered as comparable sales.
Watch for unfavorable adjustments in the
square-footage section of the appraisal. This is especially troublesome when
the subject property is smaller than most or all of the comparable sales.
Frequently, the dollar-per-square-foot adjustment is much smaller than the
depreciated value of the improvements. Ask the appraiser for paired sales to
demonstrate the difference in value-per-square-foot.
Inquire about unique characteristics,
processed by the subject, but not properly credited to the subject property in
the appraisal. Items frequently overlooked or undervalued are additional land,
detached buildings, such as mother-in-law apartments, exceptional views and
water frontage.
While every property and appraisal is unique
unto itself, those variables listed above are among those that I have found most
often to be responsible for undervalued properties. Sometimes, we will find that
a property just is not worth more than the appraisal and, under such
circumstances, it may be time to swallow our pride and move on. Yet at other
times, there may be good cause to question the appraiser. I think that you will
find that, in most cases, appraisers will be receptive to suggested areas of
improvement in appraisals.
Appraisers lose when they are unwilling to consider relevant facts presented
about an appraisal. Their credibility is also the line, and few are willing to
risk losing business because they make mistakes that they are unwilling to
Charlie W. Elliott, Jr., MAI, SRA, is president of Elliott & Company
Appraisers, a national real estate appraisal company. He can be reached at (800)
854-5889, or through the company’s Web site at |