Appraisal Service Anywhere In The United States

The Mortgage Crisis and the
Case of No Collateral
By Charlie Elliott
Our current economic crisis, in the minds of
many, was caused primarily, if not exclusively, by the issuance of hundreds of
billions of dollars of bad real estate loans. In addressing the issue of
defaults on loans, most would have assumed that the losses on the loans by the
banks would have been largely mitigated by selling the property for which the
loan was collateralized. After all, people borrowing money, whether it be on a
residential or commercial property, must make down payments, which serve to
account for part of the purchase price of property, while loan-to-value (LTV)
ratios offer protection on refinances.
Even if the borrower loses his job or business, falls on hard economic times or
just proves to be a bad credit risk, most of us probably thought that the bank
would have a large measure of protection. Here we had a perfect storm of things
that went wrong. While there is a plethora of blame to go around, the purpose of
this article is to address the issue of collateral. As the owner of an appraisal
company and as one having many years of real estate experience, I offer you a
hypothetical case demonstrating that banks had no collateral on some mortgage
loans. That is right, zero collateral.
Many people getting loans did not make
material down payments. We have seen those TV commercials offering 125 percent
LTV loans in the months leading up to the wheels falling off of all of the
banks. Yes, 125 percent LTV. Who in their right mind would expect to have a
sound loan under such circumstances? Let’s say that this causes damages of 20
percent on an average.
Property values whipsawed wildly in the
months leading up to the economic crisis. There were reports of values
increasing as much as 40 percent per year in areas, such as Las Vegas,
California and Florida. The economy could not support this kind of
appreciation, and the property values headed south. Borrowers paying $500,000
for homes suddenly found themselves paying for $400,000 mortgages, when their
property was only worth $300,000. To put it simply, they bailed, leaving the
bank holding the bag. Let’s say here that the typical damage is 20 percent of
the value of the property.
Some unscrupulous lenders and appraisers
added insult to injury by fraudulently participating in schemes to inflate
appraisal values in order to make “loans work.” This usually occurred where
borrowers were least capable of paying back the loan. Otherwise, it would not
have been necessary to tip the scales in the beginning. In this subtle fraud
the lender pressured the appraiser for values high enough to make the deal.
The appraiser did not realize a big cash kickback; he only received the normal
appraisal fee and stood first in line to do the next appraisal for the lender.
The loan officer made his normal commission on the transaction, paid his bills
for the month and protected his position to make more similar loans the
following month. Its effect inures primarily to the short-term benefit of the
borrower and, to a lesser extent to the lender and the appraiser. Here we
could be dealing with damages at, or near, 25 percent.
Another evaluation issue I will list is
that of the borrower trashing the property upon departure. First, he performs
zero maintenance on the property for the last few months there, anticipating
that the property will be lost. No yard maintenance, no painting, no cleaning,
no nothing. Finally, during the last few weeks and days, he goes on a redneck
rampage, breaking everything in the home that can be broken, knocking holes in
the walls, staining the carpet beyond reclamation and finally stealing
everything he can possibly take from the property, nailed down or not. Let’s
estimate that these damages reduce the property value by 35 percent.
Finally and to add insult to injury, it is
expensive for a lender to foreclose on a property. Selling cost alone
typically are 6 percent of the sales price. If the property lies idle for 18
months the loss of interest income could cost the lender 9 percent. The cost
of property taxes could take another 1 percent. Then add maintenance,
insurance, utilities, court costs, legal fees and, well, you get the picture.
Final estimated damage estimated here is 20 percent.
In summary, do the math. In this hypothetical
case there is nothing left for collateral; zilch, zero. I submit to you that
while most collateral related losses may not total or exceed 100 percent of a
property’s value, most foreclosed homes in today’s market suffer to some degree,
from some if not all of the above diminution of collateral issues, giving real
meaning to the term, sub-prime mortgage.
When we look at the situation as a whole, one must wonder who in their right
mind would make a loan under the circumstances described above. Some of them may
seem far-fetched, but all of it has gone on everyday in the mortgage business. I
have personally witnessed all of these examples. This is not an indictment
against lenders and appraisers. Most are honest and ethical, but some are not.
Perhaps lenders and regulators will pay more attention to collateral and
collateral valuation issues going forward.
In my next column, I will offer suggestions as to how the powers that be should
handle real estate loans to better ensure that our ship does not run aground yet
Charlie W. Elliott Jr., MAI, SRA, is president of Elliott & Company Appraisers,
a national real estate appraisal company. He can be reached at (800) 854-5889, or through the
company’s Web site at