Appraisal Service Anywhere In The United States

Where Has the
Economic Meltdown Taken Us?
By Charlie Elliott, MAI, SRA
Within the past year we in the financial industry have witnessed catastrophic
economic changes like never before seen in modern times. The change, while
seeming to erupt from a typical soft market, exploded into a multifaceted
economic tsunami of biblical proportions. It resulted in a complete economic
collapse of the underpinning of our financial system and affected every part of
our lives.
We have, and are continuing to experience,
many negative effects from this crisis, both at a personal level and a
professional level. Personally, we have lost pride, mutual funds, stock, income,
jobs, credit, homes, cars and our professions. At a professional level, we have
lost accounts, transactions, clients, co-workers, credibility, bosses and
subordinates. We have lost much of our professional independence to the heavy
hand of government regulation, and the list goes on and on. We have also
experienced various states of mind, including sadness, bewilderment, anger,
disappointment, emptiness, pain, fear and, yes, a bit
of hate.
It is time to get over it. While not all of
the negative conditions are behind us, it is safe to say that most is, and it is
time to move on. Yes, there will be other shoes to drop, but we have seen the
worst. We are wiser, tougher, leaner and meaner than we were in the past. We
serve no purpose by worrying, pouting, whining and generally serving as negative
examples to those around us. In short, we are better people now after having
weathered this storm.
The economic meltdown, in a strange and
bizarre sort of way, has opened up opportunity that most of us have never
experienced before. It has thinned out the ranks, eliminating those among us who
had reached a level of professional incompetence. The storm has pruned the tree.
It has reduced the price of property in many places to more affordable levels.
It has provided many of us with more of a sense of appreciation for those assets
that we do have left, including friends and family. Most of us are less likely
invest in risky ventures than we were when the market drove us in that
direction. Perhaps in this regard, we will have more confidence in ourselves and
in our decisions. Each of us now has a clean slate of sorts to reprove our worth
in our profession. The chalk is there, and who better than us to fill the slate
with positive and productive penmanship. Yes, the circumstances and the rules
will be different. We will find new horizons, there will be new demands, and we
will be able to taste the wine with a cleaner pallet.
In realistic and specific terms, what will
be really different in the financial industry? Generalizing is easier than being
specific, however, I will throw out a few issues and conditions, which we may
find ourselves looking at in our profession over the next few years. Fewer
people will own homes if recent reports are to be believed. Rather than looking
at home ownership at the 70 percent level, we will probably be looking at levels
in the mid-to-low 60s. That does not mean one third of us will never own homes,
but we may not own them at the same time. We are likely to see younger people
moving up the ladder to home ownership, while older people sell their homes and
move into facilities offering more care with less maintenance.
We will all own relatively less expensive
homes. More of us will be content to stay in the smaller home and make it our
palace, rather than borrow more than we can afford in an effort to chase the
unrealistic versions of the American dream. Home values will stabilize, but not
increase so fast in the future. Fewer people will be owning homes, and tighter
credit will curb demand.
There is a lot of talk about more appraiser
independence or less pressure from those with a stake in closing a transaction.
This would lead one to believe that appraisals will be more accurate. While that
is a good goal, it is a lofty one. There will be, at a minimum, more emphasis
placed upon separation between those selling loans and those performing the
appraisal. There will be appraisal management companies, but they will not take
over the business as some have suggested. Banks will continue to order
appraisals directly from appraisers. Fewer appraisals will be ordered by
mortgage brokers.
We as a group will have less debt going
forward. Credit will be harder to get and people will have more equity in their
homes. Credit card debt will be tighter and fewer of us will be tempted to run
up large, unsecured debt. We will have less reason to refinance our homes to pay
for credit card debt. That will be a very good thing.
In the end, the finance industry will be
smaller. There will be fewer loans and fewer new homes. More emphasis will be
placed on quality and less on quantity. It will be a long time before we see
home prices increasing at such a frantic pace as 25 and 30 percent per year. The
numbers of new homes constructed each year will be smaller. It may be just a
while before we see politicians placing the taxpayers' money at risk at the
frantic pace, which we saw recently. Would that not be refreshing?
In a nutshell we are in for some
rightsizing of our financial system, which has been long overdue. We will be
just fine and, who knows, we may just look back on the past and say it was time
for it to happen and that we are better for it.
Charlie W. Elliott, Jr., MAI, SRA, is president of Elliott & Company
Appraisers, a national real estate appraisal company. He can be reached at (800)
854-5889, or through the company’s Web site at