Appraisal Service Anywhere In The United States

Is More
Regulation the Answer?
By Charlie Elliott, MAI, SRA
Whether you are a real estate attorney, agent, appraiser or
lender, you have, no doubt, felt the effects of mortgage-loan government
regulation, in recent years and particularly in recent months. Even among those
whom have been less affected in the past, there is the constant threat of
additional regulation coming down the pike. Over the past three or four decades,
we have seen growing government regulation creeping into our industry at
practically every level of government. Not only is the federal government
involved, but every state has also found it necessary to get its finger into the
pie, and even some cities are beginning to get in on the act.
Examples of the types of additional regulation include new laws requiring banks
to be very specific about loan-closing fees, even before all of the facts are
known about the borrower and the borrower's property, regulations prohibiting
mortgage brokers from ordering appraisals, laws requiring mortgage brokers to
register at the federal level and attorneys to follow different guidelines for
closing statements. Further, national appraisal management companies (AMCs) are
now required to register, follow strict and varying guidelines and pay high fees
in many states. Most states, as well as the federal government, are expected to
follow suit. For a national AMC, registering at the federal level and in each
state would require 51 registrations, 51 different sets of rules and 51 sets of
fees. The fees alone are expected to run into the hundreds of thousands of
dollars for each national AMC, which can only mean higher costs to the consumer.
All of this regulation is in addition to, and on top of, other regulation, which
if properly implemented should already be protecting the consumer.
Why is this necessary? What is so wrong with our business model that requires so
much government intervention? Is it because there is an over-abundance of crooks
in the business? Who is really benefiting from this regulation? Is it those
purportedly being protected? Is the public benefit commensurate with the cost?
Are government lobbyist culprits gaining excessive control by promoting special
interest of one group over another under the guise of protecting the public? We
could go on and on with the whys and about the justification. When asked, most
politicians claim that it is to protect the public interest. Suffice it to say,
the system is a mess. Our system is already burdened down with excessive and
ineffective controls, supposedly designed to protect the public, while costing
it an arm and a leg in unnecessary fees and administrative costs.
Further, the regulations that we have in place are, in many cases, not being
enforced. A case in point is that of the recent financial meltdown. With all of
the regulation that we have in place, we are implementing new levels of
regulation with the same or similar language, which has not proven to protect us
in the past. It already is and has been illegal for mortgage professionals to
commit fraud for decades, yet many honest and responsible professionals are
being saddled yet with additional onerous and burdensome regulation, designed to
accomplish the same objective.
An analogy would be that of the airline industry. The honest and faithful flying
public continues to be burdened with additional inconveniences, such as that of
not being able to carry a bottle of shampoo on a plane. Meanwhile, terrorists,
who pay cash for a ticket, carry no luggage and have bombs in their underwear,
are allowed to board, even though they are on suspected terrorists lists.
Is more regulation the answer? In a nutshell, the answer to that broad question
is no. Is better regulation and stricter enforcement is the answer? Yes. Our
government has a responsibility to provide simple ground rules that are fair,
not only to consumers, but also to all of the stakeholders in a transaction. In
order to curtail excessive cost to the consumer and to support some semblance of
a free market, regulation should be kept to the minimum required to protect the
public interest. Regulation should be simple and economical. Processes should be
developed not only to protect the public, but also to do so in a manner
consistent with efficiency and common sense. The ground rules must not be
developed along the lines of feathering the nest of special interest. They must
only be to protect the public interest. That means that if we have too many
professionals to service the legitimate demands of the industry, some of us
should get out. Regulation designed to encourage the continuation of making
loans to people who do not qualify for them, just to create a few phony jobs,
makes no sense and should be stopped. Much more attention should be directed
toward doing a better job of enforcing and tweaking the regulations that we
already have in place. Up until and through the mortgage meltdown, all major
banks were being audited, and their mortgage portfolios were being evaluated for
Unfortunately, much of the new regulation that we are seeing today goes far
beyond that which is required to protect the public interest, while current
regulations are not being adequately enforced. It is driven far too often by
industry insiders, lobbyists, bureaucrats, labor unions, trade associations,
large corporations or influential individuals, seeking to protect their own
special interest.
Most, if not all, of the burden of complying with excessive regulation is borne
by the consumer, taxpayer and small business. Paradoxically, the very people
whom the regulation is designed to protect usually pay a hidden price and
receive little or no protection. We are already paying a high price for
protection, which we are not getting. Adding additional layers of regulation
will be adding insult to injury. We were already paying for this service as
taxpayers. Were we getting our moneys worth? I would say hardly so.
Charlie W. Elliott, Jr., MAI, SRA, is president of Elliott & Company
Appraisers, a national real estate appraisal company. He can be reached at (800)
854-5889, or through the company’s Web site at |