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How Accurate Are Real Estate Appraisals?
by Charlie Elliott, MAI, SRA, ASA
From what we hear and see about the appraisal
profession, it would appear that a real estate appraisal should be a very
accurate measurement of the worth of a property and that the property only has
one precise value. Further, appraisers are highly trained, and it is up to the
appraiser to determine what this amount is. In cases where appraised values are
called into question, many suspect incompetence on the part of the appraiser or
some form of bias to include fraud. As members of the real estate industry and
as citizens, we have been conditioned that appraisers are highly trained and
that, upon certification, they have the unquestionable skills and competence to
perform precision estimates of value, which very narrowly represent the value of
a property.
Well, I am here to tell you that not all is black and
white in the real estate appraisal world. There is ample gray to cause pause
when we use opinions of value developed by licensed appraisers. This is not to
say that all we have been led to believe about the impeccable reputations of
individual appraisers or the integrity of the profession as a whole should be
viewed with a jaundiced eye. The truth is that an appraisal, which is defined as
an "opinion of value," is just that, an opinion. Having been in a position over
the last 30 years not only to perform appraisals, but also to review thousands
of them, I confess that, under the best of circumstances, there are shortcomings
in the process. Having said that, without question, we in the United States have
the best body of knowledge, appraisal theory, training and regulatory system in
world, and overall our evaluation capabilities are the envy of all on the
planet. Given the above, I direct your attention to a few facts and conditions
that may cause a more sober look at the reality of the appraisal profession.
This article will not deal with intentional bias, fraud, and/or corruption. It
will only deal with the challenges faced by appraisers and their limitations as
professionals, given the environment in which they work.
There is a plethora of topics and issues that could be examined
relative to the limitations confronting appraisers, however, for the purposes of this article,
we will stick to a few of the more apparent and basic ones.
- Competency: In order to become a licensed appraiser today,
one must generally spend a minimum of three years in education and training. For those
aspiring to obtain additional skills, it could take four or more years to obtain a
state general certification. To obtain a creditable general designation, many appraisers
spend five-to-10 years developing their talents. This does not take into account the
many years of on-the-job experience, in some cases reaching 40-to-50 years, which
experienced appraisers have. My experience and observations have taught me that real
estate appraisal is a field where wisdom prevails, and that short-term-training programs
and educational courses provide a good foundation but fall short of preparing the appraiser
for the most challenging assignments. While it is not my goal to criticize the
inexperienced, appraisers, having the minimal training to qualify for licensing, simply
do not have the background to tackle complex issues. Those with less experience, often
find themselves less equipped to address difficult assignments and sometimes provide value
opinions that are less accurate than those of seasoned appraisers.
- Market: The past three years have been the most challenging
for appraisers of any that I have experienced in my 30-plus years of appraising. This is
due to a less-than-fluid market, where sales data is either unavailable or compromised
by short sales or foreclosure actions. Developing a creditable value opinion in a market,
where, except one foreclosure, there have been no sales of properties within a year and
where there are 20 listings at various prices, is a challenge for any appraiser. I would
venture to say that, under such circumstances, we would get varying opinions from the most
competent and experienced appraisers. In such a case, if two appraisers appraise a property
and end up with substantially different values, it would perhaps be hard to prove either
of the appraisers wrong.
- Tolerance: Even when appraisers are the most competent and
when all other conditions are excellent, how much difference should we expect to find
in-value estimates between two appraisers? In my experience, having previously ordered
two or more appraisals on the same property from different appraisers, it is not unusual
to get varying opinions. Some of this can be written off to the lack of competence on
the part of one of them. However, competence is not the only issue here. Some issues are
viewed differently by different appraisers, even when both appraisers are seasoned
professionals. This is especially true with challenging assignments. There must be some
acceptance of this fact, when ordering and using appraisals. What is an acceptable
variance? I say it depends upon the market. In some markets where conditions are good,
appraisals should be within 2 or 3 percent of other appraised values. In others where
the market conditions are challenging and hard to predict, a 10 percent variance may be
welcomed. This must be weighed on a case-by-case basis.
- Scope, research and analysis: Yes, all appraisals no matter
how thorough, should provide an accurate opinion of value. This having been said, if we
order an appraisal with a curbside inspection on the least comprehensive appraisal form,
and ask for only approach-to-value, we will likely get what we pay for. The appraiser,
who is assigned a project and given proper inspection access, time, budget and direction,
may be held to a higher standard than one where the appraiser is asked to do a drive-by
inspection and submit his report within 24 hours. Simply stated, the appraiser who is
permitted to devote ample time and effort to an appraisal will do a more thorough and
accurate job if everything else is the same.
No, appraising is not an exact science. There are many variables
to consider when evaluating an appraisal and the value conclusion it provides. There are
factors, both within and outside of our control, that affect the accuracy of the appraisals
that we order on a property. Accuracy may be associated with appraiser’s competency, as well
as market conditions and the scope of the work assigned the appraiser. One of the most
controllable variables is that of the selection of the most skilled appraiser available
for a given project. Further, the appraiser should be given the proper resources, including
time, budget and property access, to complete the assignment in a professional way. Adverse
market conditions are harder to overcome in rendering the most accurate appraisal, except
for the fact that the best appraiser is likely to do the best job. The expectation of a
perfect appraisal should be tempered with an understanding of the competency of the person
doing the job and current market conditions.
Charlie W. Elliott, Jr.,
MAI, SRA, ASA, is president of Elliott & Company Appraisers, a national real
estate appraisal company. He can be reached at (800) 854-5889, or through the company’s Web site at |