Appraisal Service Anywhere In The United States

How Will
the Dodd-Frank Act Affect Appraisal Fees?
by Charlie Elliott,
The motivation resulted from somewhere between
the massive loan losses caused by the recent recession, the advent of the
Home Valuation Code of Conduct, complaints from appraisers, as well as
lobbying conducted by appraisal, mortgage-brokerage and real-estate-sales
industry organizations. We are talking about the section of the massive,
recently enacted, Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act,
which mandates that appraisal management companies (AMCs) register with the
feds and in each state in which the AMC operates.
The primary reason for this legislation was noble. It was to protect the
public interest, particularly the interest of consumers and home-loan
borrowers, as well as the soundness of our banking system. As is sometimes
the case, the interest of the consumer somehow got overshadowed by the
landslide of special interest, which influenced the legislation. When we
consider the plethora of special interest involved and the huge economic
impact that the mortgage industry has, on a variety of professions, this is
easier to understand. There is little wonder that there are many unintended
consequences from this otherwise well-intended law. Primary among the
consequences is the likelihood that Dodd-Frank will cause a major spike in
appraisal fees to the consumer.
The concept of
registration, within itself, is not necessarily onerous or impractical,
however, in this case, that appears to be true. We have all heard the phrase
that the devil is in the details. Never has that cliché had more meaning
than it does in this instance. To add another well known phrase, making laws
is like making sausage; it’s not a pretty sight. I am not sure which
statement is more apropos, however, in addition to offering a bit of humor
to an otherwise dry subject, they both contain kernels of truth.
Let us visit a few key elements of the law that resulted from those noble
and well-intended goals.
- All AMCs are required to register in the
states in which they do business. Those operating in 50 states
must register in all 50 states. The initial cost of registration as
published by states ready to begin the process is as much as $5,000 per
state, per AMC. Annual renewals are as high as $2,000 in some states.
- All AMCs are also required to register
at the federal level. The eventual cost of this is unclear, but
based upon the language in the legislation it will range between $25 and
$50 per year, per appraiser, working for AMCs. Based upon this estimate,
an AMC having 5,000 appraisers will pay between $125,000 and $250,000
per year in fees. Some AMCs have reported that they intend to charge the
fee to the appraisers on their approved list. Most AMCs are expected to
absorb the fee, and build it into their fee to banks.
- There will, without question, be many
other costs of compliance experienced by AMCs in following all
regulatory rules and regulations. While there is no way to
know, at this writing, what these costs will be, suffice it to say that
they will easily pale those costs of registration outlined above.
- Each appraiser performing appraisals in
federally related transactions will be required to personally pay a fee
in the amount of $40 each year. If the roughly 92,000
appraisers in the United States pay this fee it would amount to a tax of
$3.68 million. The appraisers will pass this along the chain to the
It is unclear why such high fees are necessary.
Neither is it clear why it is necessary to have two layers of registration,
federal and state, when one at the federal level would seem to be adequate.
Also, one may ask why some states charge initiation fees of less than $500
when others charge $3,000, $4,000 and $5,000. What is clear is that those
new costs, like the costs of other regulations imposed upon business and
society by government, will be borne by the consumer. It is possible that
many AMCs will be forced out of business by the additional costs of
complying with these new regulations. As this occurs, AMCs will not go away;
the larger ones will become larger. This will create a less-competitive
market, placing upward pressure on appraisal fees. Some even question
whether, after the advent of the new regulations, AMC services will be any
better and whether there will be less corruption, fraud or any other of the
unsavory activities that the legislation was intended to prevent.
Other unintended consequences of the new law will take their toll on small
AMCs in many other ways. These will be broad ranging and will manifest
themselves in the form of AMCs forgoing business in states where they cannot
afford to register and budgetary constraints preventing their acquisition of
technology and human resources, designed to offer national coverage.
In summary, be prepared
for appraisal fees to the consumer to increase substantially, when the new
law is in full effect, two or three years down the road. This will happen
for a number of reasons. I list them below.
Regulatory cost will make
a huge difference. Management companies will spend much more on compliance
and fees. They will have no choice other than to pass this extra cost along
to their customers. .
The new law will require transparency, forcing
banks to separate appraisal management costs from the actual cost to the
appraiser. It stands to reason that banks will use this aspect of the law to
recoup costs of overhead forgone in the past. This will result in many banks
charging a higher fee to the customer, which covers both appraisal services
and appraisal management services.
Appraisers will be paid
more. Fees to appraisers have not increased much, if any, over the past 20
years. They deserve higher fees, particularly in some areas where
competition is stiff. The language in the bill speaks to this issue. While
there will be concerns about subscribing to a free market, there will also
be pressure to pay appraisers more. We have fewer appraisers than what we
had in the past. The Appraisal Institute reports that the number of
appraisers has decreased in recent years due to the recession and to what
many have viewed as low fees, which some blame on management companies. The
Institute reports that the number of certified appraisers in the United
States decreased 6.6% from 2007 to roughly 92,000 in 2010. It also reports
that nearly half of all appraisers are between the ages of 51 and 65.
The effect of current state appraisal certification, educational and
experience requirements mandates a program that tends to take appraisal
trainees between three and five years to become licensed. Therefore, there
is likely to be pressure on the market to increase appraisal fees for some
time to come.
Fees for appraisals to the consumer have not gone
up substantially over the past few years. There are those who would say that
management companies have been responsible for holding the fees down due to
increased efficiency. Many appraisers will say that this is due in part to
AMCs not paying them a fair fee. Whatever the reasons, fees to the customer
are likely to increase.
Regulation of AMCs will
not cause banks to use AMCs less. It is likely that more banks will use AMCs
to service their appraisals in the future. This method of appraisal
management permits a higher degree of appraiser independence, mandated by
the legislation. In many cases it will be more economical for the banks.
In the past, competition has seemed to be the
primary driver of fees and has held costs to the consumer down. With the new
regulations and other forces in the economy, including fewer appraisers to
perform work, the cost of a traditional appraisal will increase
significantly over the next two or three years. Don't be surprised if
appraisal fees to the consumers go up as much as 100% in some markets.
For record, U.S. Rep.
Michele Bachmann of Minnesota, shortly after the 112th Congress convened,
introduced a bill to repeal the Dodd Frank Act. Ironically, Ms. Bachmann’s
bill offers its own brand of consumer protection.
Charlie W. Elliott, Jr.,
MAI, SRA, ASA, is president of Elliott & Company Appraisers, a national real
estate appraisal company. He can be reached at (800) 854-5889, or through the company’s Web site at |