8, Issue I
Spring 2000 |

Have you rejected the idea of
having pets because you are not particularly wild about the idea of
walking them, cleaning up hair around the house, or having them climb up
into bed with you? Well, you are in luck. Some of the most beautiful
creatures on this earth require very little maintenance. The neighbors
will have no reason to make disparaging remarks due to pet noise or
unwelcome visits across the property line.
Few pets can compete with the
beauty of those found in saltwater aquariums. While the initial cost to
join this unusual club is not cheap, the overall expense of owning and
maintaining an aquarium compares favorably with that of those pets with
legs. Such exotic swimmers as yellow tangs, butterflies, damsels,
angelfish, sharks, clownfish and triggerfish are available for your
selection and enjoyment.
Getting started can cost as
little as $500 for a relatively small 55 gallon tank or $1,200 for a
larger 90 gallon size. These prices include a tank, stand, salt, sand,
gravel, an air pump, heater, filter and supply of fish. If a coral reef
outfit is in your plans, expect the price to double. While the above
prices are inclusive of fish, a closer look at the cost of fish can be
an eye and wallet opener. Depending upon where you shop prices can range
from an estimated $5 for Damsels, $20 for Tangs and Clowns, $120 for
Butterflies and $250 for Sharks. Maintenance cost to the contrary is not
very high. An estimated budget of $20 to $30 per month should cover
salt, etc., depending upon the tank size.
Here are a few tips for
saltwater aquarium beginners. Educate yourself prior to purchasing
anything. Locate a knowledgeable and trustworthy vendor and listen to
his advise. Purchase only hardy and economical fish early on, and do not
overcrowd the tank. A couple of good websites for beginners are
www.masla.com and

Serves All of Georgia, The Carolinas and Tennessee

immediately ELLIOTT® & Company Appraisers is offering appraisal services
in all counties in the states of Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina
and Tennessee. "Many of our clients have a need for services in areas
outside the major cities where most of our offices are located," states
Charlie Elliott, company President. "In the past we have been unable to
offer service in some areas; however, today we have the system and the
network of appraisers to reach all of the counties within these states,"
says Elliott. ELLIOTT® & Company Appraisers currently has 13 real estate
appraisal offices and a client base of 3,000 clients. ELLIOTT® accepts
orders directly at each of its offices for service in the local area. A
directory of offices listing all contact information is included in this
publication. Orders are also accepted electronically through the
company's web site at
www.elliottco.com, or via fax at 336-854-7734 through the central
office. For additional information contact the central office at
Clients having
appraisal needs in the Richmond area will find Dale eager to serve their
needs. Contact information is listed in the company directory contained
President |
Is it for real this time? About
five years ago both appraisers and lenders were served notice in the
form of a near ultimatum by speakers on the national speaking circuit to
be prepared to transmit and receive appraisals electronically, and
immediately, or risk becoming dinosaurs. Today, as we enter the new
millennium, we see few dinosaur bones; however, we are again reminded
that the electronic age is here for appraisers. Well, this time we
believe that it is for real! The bulk of electronic transfers will take
place over the Internet, not over conventional telephone lines. This
will be cheaper and faster. We at ELLIOTT® & Company Appraisers embrace
this new medium for transferring our product to our clients. We are in
the process of acquiring and installing the necessary software to
transmit our product electronically. Inquiries and orders from our
clients, seeking this service, are welcome.
Roper has been promoted to Vice President and Operations Manager of the
central office of ELLIOTT® & Company Appraisers. Jessie has been
employed by the company for five years and was most recently employed as
Controller. "We are pleased to be able to promote such a qualified
individual from within our ranks," reports Charlie Elliott, company
President. "Our company has and is expected to continue experiencing
rapid growth, requiring a stronger management team in the future. With
Jessie's background and talents, she was a natural choice for the
position," Elliott said.
Jessie, a native of Louisiana, resides in Greensboro, N.C., with her
husband, Don.
Congratulation is in order for
the following people, who achieved ELLIOTT® & Company Appraisers
excellence in production recognition for the last year of the
Top Producing Office |
Boone, NC, Martitia Mortimer |
Gold |
N. Myrtle Beach, SC, Tom Kearney |
Silver |
Winston-Salem, NC, Joyce Pusey |
Bronze |
Top Producing Manager |
Joyce Pusey, Winston-Salem, NC |
Gold |
Shawn Mayo, Charlotte, NC |
Silver |
Paul Ray, Charlotte, NC |
Bronze |
Top Producing Appraiser |
Bill Parker, Boone, NC |
Gold |
Barry Weaver, Boone, NC |
Silver |
Todd McCoy, Boone, NC |
Bronze |
Quotes of Wisdom
and Wit
Napolean Hill
Every adversity, every failure,
and every heartache carries with it the seed of an equivalent benefit.
Success requires no explanation, failure permits no alibies.
What the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve.
Yogi Berra
It ain't over til it's over.
This is like déjà vu all over again.
You can observe a lot by just watchin'.
When you come to a fork in the road, take it.
It was impossible to get a conversation going. Everybody was talking too
When the answer is simple, God
is answering.
Problems cannot be solved at the same level of awareness that created
Sometimes one pays most for the things one gets for nothing.
In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.