A Publication of
ELLIOTT® & Company Appraisers |
In response to requests from our clients for quicker and less expensive
collateral-assessment tools, ELLIOTT® & Company Appraisers now offers
Automated Valuation Models, better known as AVMs. AVMs are
computer-generated evaluations developed from comparable sales databases
and public records.
The advantage of using AVMs is low cost and the speed at which they can
be produced. The price of an AVM at ELLIOTT® ranges from $20 to $40
depending on monthly volume.
Once a customer registers with us in order to receive our AVMs, he or
she can order them from our Web site and receive the valuations almost
immediately online, any time of day, any day of the week. The customer
can simply log in and enter the address of the subject property under
Our Web site is designed as a cascading interface with five of the
leading AVM providers: Basis 100 – Home Price Analyzer, Basis – Pass, Banton
– Value Wizard, Case Shiller Weiss – Casa and Veros – VeroVALUE. Our AVM system is powered by FNC, Inc.'s ValueSource
platform. The first AVM in the cascade to produce the report fills the
order. If clients wish, they can order more than one AVM per property
Clients with approved credit are billed for their AVMs and credit cards
are accepted.
For more information on AVMs contact Nicole Kalafut at (800) 854-5889.
ELLIOTT® & Company Appraisers is a full-service appraisal company
offering a full range of property valuations, including AVMs, automated
appraisals, limited appraisals, complete appraisals, property
inspections and other related services.

As the Thanksgiving holiday approaches, we
at ELLIOTT® & Company Appraisers would like to thank you for the
business you have given us this year. While it has been a better year
than expected by some in the mortgage industry, we would not have
enjoyed the success our company has achieved if it were not for your
confidence in us, and for that we are extremely grateful.

"A free society is a society where
it is safe to be unpopular."
– Adlai Stevenson
"Military justice is to justice what military music is to
– Groucho Marx
"An expert is a person who has made all the mistakes that can
be made in a very narrow field." – Niels Bohr
"If two men agree on everything, you can bet that one of them
is doing the thinking." – Lyndon Johnson

ELLIOTT® & Company Appraisers
currently offers appraisal service throughout all 50 of the United
States. Clients are encouraged to place orders directly to any
office local to properties to be appraised or to the central office
for assignment.
Orders may
be placed via telephone, fax or through the company's Web site. All
Internet orders will be processed through the central office.
Offices Are Independently
Owned and Operated
3316-A Battleground Avenue
Greensboro, NC 27410