November 2005 |
A Publication of ELLIOTT®
& Company Appraisers |
trend reported by the U.S. Census Bureau highlights the growing
importance of appraisal management companies.
According to a recently issued report by the U.S. Census Bureau, the
number of real estate appraisal firms with no paid employees grew by
19.1% from 2002 to 2003. During the same period, the issued report
said, the overall number of non-employer firms increased by 5.5%.
"The statistics from the recent Census study support research that
the trend in the U.S. is toward small businesses with no employees,"
said Bill Godden, director of research for the Appraisal Institute.
"Compared to the UK, where appraisal firms are larger, the U.S.
appraiser market is mostly comprised of self-employed appraisers,
which our own data confirms."
This indicates to the mortgage lenders that it is increasingly more
difficult for them to find out-of-town appraisers. This comes at a
time when there are more and more lenders issuing loans to borrowers
who live a long distance from these companies.
Self-employed appraisers are less likely to promote themselves and
often are not even listed in the yellow pages of the local telephone
books. Instead they tend to affiliate themselves with appraisal
management companies.
Therefore, lenders, just like self-employed appraisers, are finding
appraisal management companies to be more important to their
livelihood than they were in the past.
Elliott, president of ELLIOTT® & Company Appraisers, will conduct a
"breakout session" at the Western Regional Mortgage Brokers Conference
being held in Las Vegas this month. Charlie’s session, being held on
November 15 at 10:30 a.m., is entitled, "The Lender and the Appraiser."
The purpose of this session is to help mortgage brokers gain a greater
understanding about real estate appraisals and their impact on the
mortgage lending process.
"I would like to see this seminar help mortgage brokers learn how to put
more money into their pockets through an increased understanding of how
the appraisal process works," Elliott said. "Also I think this seminar
can teach brokers to make better use of their working time by using
appraisals as a qualifying tool."
All charges to attend this session are included in the conference fees.
The conference, which begins November 11, is being held at Caesars
Palace. For further information, go to

"Discovery consists of seeing
what everybody has seen and thinking what nobody has
thought." Albert von Szent Gyorgyi
"Obviously crime pays or there'd be no crime."
G. Gordon Liddy
"Humor is a rubber sword; it allows you to make a point
without drawing blood." Mary Hirsch
"A committee is a cul-de-sac down which ideas are lured and
then quietly strangled." Barnett Cocks
"The most radical revolutionary will become a conservative
the day after the revolution." Hannah Arendt
"A timid person is frightened before a danger, a coward
during its time and a brave person afterward."
Jean Paul
"A rumor without a leg to stand on will get around some
other way." John Tudor
"Grief is the agony of an instant; the indulgence of grief
is a blunder of a life." Benjamin Disraeli
"If at first you don’t succeed, find out if the loser gets
anything." Bill Lyons