February 2006 |
A Publication of ELLIOTT®
& Company Appraisers |
the 11th consecutive year, ELLIOTT® & Company Appraisers will
continue to host a continuing education seminar. The next seminar,
which we have entitled, "The Changing World of Appraising," will run
March 2-3 (Thursday and Friday) at the conference facility of
Greensboro Regional Realtors Association at 23 Oak Branch Drive in
Greensboro, NC.
Joe Durrer, MAI, SRA, of Roanoke, VA, will conduct the seminar,
which is good for 14 hours of continuing education credit in North
Carolina, South Carolina and Virginia. Mr. Durrer has served as
chairman of the Virginia Real Estate Board and president of the
Virginia Association of Real Estate Appraisers during his
illustrious five-decade career and is widely respected as an author
and instructor in his profession. His entertaining, as well as
professional, style of teaching has made him popular with appraisers
in our past seminars.
The first day will be devoted to the national USPAP Update. On the
second day, Mr. Durrer's courses will be "Your State Appraisal Board
Speaks to You" and "Trending of Data Due to Demographics and/or
Market Changes."
The seminar will be good for 14 hours of continuing education credit
in North Carolina, South Carolina and Virginia.
if not already, 70% of the households in the United States will own the
homes they live in. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the
homeownership rate was 69.1% in 2004, the latest year with statistics
available. In 1950, the homeownership rate was 55%.
In the Midwest and the South, more than 70% of the households already
own their homes. In the Midwest, 73.8% of the people live in homes they
or their family breadwinners own, while in the South, that figure is
Both the West and Northeast have a homeownership rate of just above 64%,
according to the Census Bureau. Rapidly rising home prices, which are
increasing faster than income levels in theses regions are to blame for
the lower homeownership rates in these regions. This is particularly a
problem in California, where the homeownership rate is 54.3% and New
York where barely more than half of the households own their homes.

According to the latest issue of Ultimate Homes Magazine, there
are at least 1 million homes in the United States that are
valued at $1 million or more.
According to the magazine, the most expensive home currently on
the market is a mansion in Palm Beach, FL, owned by Donald
Trump. The high-profile billionaire is asking a cool $125
million for the Florida pad. |

"Management cannot be expected
to recognize a good idea unless it is presented to them by a
good salesman." -- David Ogilvy
"An Englishman is a person who does things because they have
been done before. An American is a person who does things
because they haven’t been done before." -- Mark Twain
"If I have lost confidence in myself, I have the universe
against me."
-- Ralph Waldo Emerson
"It is not a bad idea to get in the habit of writing down
one’s thoughts. It saves one having to bother anyone else
with them." -- Isabel Colgate
"The opposite of the religious fanatic is not the fanatical
atheist, but gentle cynic who cares not whether there is a
god or not." -- Eric Hoffer
"I’m tired of all this nonsense about beauty being only skin
deep. That’s deep enough. What do you want, an adorable
pancreas?" -- Jean Kerr
"Home computers are being called upon to perform many new
functions, including the consumption of homework formerly
eaten by a dog." -- Doug Larsen