The County Court House may not be the most often appraised
property in any given locality. While this is not an ordinary occurrence
experienced, Public Property appraisers will be able to handle the task. One of
the many considerations which may confront the appraiser will be determining
the Highest and Best use of the property. The answer will come from the appraiser’s analysis of the condition,
size, and location of the property, and what would the demand be for such a
property. It is not uncommon for older
Court Houses to be converted to alternate uses once they become less attractive
for their original intended purpose. When Public Properties experience transition in use, they very often
remain Public Properties. The experienced appraiser will take all of this into
ELLIOTT® & Company Appraisers has a network of
appraisers nationwide capable of appraising Court Houses and or any other type
of Public Building.