
Timber is one of the most important renewable
resources in the United States. We are fortunate to have millions
of acres of timberland growing a huge variety of different trees
and offering many different types of woods used for a variety of
productive purposes. The pulp paper and furniture industries are
two of our major purchasers of logs, lumber and chips.
A working understanding of the different types of and uses for
timber is not something that all real estate professionals
possess. Our staff of professional appraisers, surveyors and
cruisers has a working knowledge of all of the conditions
affecting the evaluation of timber land and standing timber on the
stump. ELLIOTT® has the ability to bring together the right
professionals to perform the task of evaluating tracts of timber,
large or small. Our professionals have the ability to give proper
consideration to all conditions which affect timberland value
including current land values, timber market prices, the area of
land encompassing the tract of timber, the age and density of the
timber, tree type, cost to harvest and the distance to saw mills
as well.
Our timberland evaluations are used for a variety of purposes
including loan collateral evaluation, litigation support,
portfolio evaluation, as well as buyer and seller due diligence.