Lighthouses of the twenty-first century in the United States serve a very different purpose than those of the Civil War era. In years past, the Lighthouse was, in some cases, the only dependable directional tool for ships at sea and near land. The Lighthouses of the past served to identify hazardous shorelines, as well as acting as directional tools for entry into nearby inlets. With todays sophisticated GPS equipment, few if any seagoing vessels depend upon Lighthouses as their primary navigational aid. Many Lighthouses have been dedicated as Historical Monuments and serve primarily as tourist attractions. Some have been sold or donated to private investors or nonprofit enterprises to reduce public tax burdens. That having been said, most Lighthouses do have monetary value. The conditions described above dictate that the appraiser selected to appraise a Lighthouse understands what makes them tick in today’s world, and what qualities possessed by a Lighthouse demonstrates value.

ELLIOTT® understands Lighthouses and is ready to appraise them anywhere they may be sitting in the United States. Please call us for a complimentary consultation.


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