Processing equipment is typically built-in-place equipment
found either within buildings or outside which are part of the real estate.
Conditions may vary as there are as many different types of equipment and
configurations as one may imagine. While not always, usually one assumes Processing
equipment to be large, taking up a significant amount of space. Examples of
Processing Equipment are furnaces, kilns, grinders, mixers, etc. The assemblage
and construction of Processing Equipment may be on site, offsite and moved to
the site for permanent attachment, or a combination of both.
Since Processing Equipment is usually custom built and
installed as real property, there is less of a market for it than say, a piece
of portable equipment such as a vehicle. The value of Processing Equipment is
highest in place, as part of a scheme of land and buildings for a specific
commercial or industrial purpose. Processing Equipment may be dissembled and
sold as salvage or for scrap.
At ELLIOTT® we are able to advise and direct the client as to the
type appraisal it may need and assume the responsibility of performing an
appraisal anywhere throughout the country.