
Prior to planning a subdivision, buyers typically screen for
land in the vicinity of their need. This can be a tedious process given that
once the commitment has been made to purchase a property, making changes in
plans or getting out of the investment can be expensive. For that reason,
planning is vitally important to the purchaser who must insure before
purchasing that the property meets all of the needs of the developer and the
demands of the various regulatory agencies approving the plans. Since this is
the way Development Tracts are purchased, appraisers appraising such properties
are confronted with the same tasks as that of the developer, to evaluate the
suitability of a given tract for development. This will include addressing
infrastructure to serve the property such as roads, water, sewer, etc. The
presence or absence of these support services can have a material effect on the
value of a property. Given the critical importance of properly evaluating the
property for development, the process of appraising a Development Tract should
not be trusted to the inexperienced Appraiser.
The evaluation of Development Tracts is a specialty of
ELLIOTT®. We offer this service anywhere in the United States, for small and
large developments.