The appraisal of Antiques is a highly specialized field.
This is especially true with more expensive Antiques. One of the first
challenges of the Antique Appraiser is that of properly identifying the object.
Items of property which are hundreds of years old typically are harder to
research than those of a more current year. Only the most skilled appraiser
should be trusted with this task. In many, if not most cases, the experienced
Antique Appraiser will consult with experts in a narrow field of study relating
to a given antiquity to define the object. One technique used in the
identification of an item is that of provenance tracking, which involves
following the origin and ownership history of an object. This may only be done
when there is a verifiable ownership chain and it requires historic records. Once
the item is identified, the appraiser will proceed to appraise the item. This
may require significant research and take a substantial amount of time.
At ELLIOTT®, we have a network of Antique Appraisers which
we can call upon in all fifty states to be of service to you.