Of all real estate, Commercial properties tend to be the most complex properties to appraise. Commercial appraisers are required to have a General Appraisal Certification and many have further credentials in the form of appraisal designations. The Income Approach to value is typically used. It requires the development of an income stream, and in many cases, long term leases must be considered.

The interest appraised may be Fee Simple, Leasehold or Leased Fee, depending upon whether the property is leased and the use to which the appraisal is being made. Highest and Best Use determinations are sometimes at issue and may challenge the inexperienced appraiser.

Other factors which can materially affect the value of Commercial property typically include zoning, excess land, parking, deferred maintenance, vacancies, location and local economic conditions.

ELLIOTT® has a staff of highly qualified and experienced client service representatives, appraisers and appraisal reviewers who understand the nuances of commercial properties. We offer commercial appraisal service in all 50 of the United States, as well as foreign countries. Our experience includes the appraisal of simple properties to the most complex. A significant portion of our Commercial appraisal business involves mortgage lending. We also regularly perform litigation support services in connection with commercial properties involving disputes, eminent domain and title insurance.

Banks  |  Office Complexes  | Office Condominiums  |  Convenience Stores  |  Drug Stores
Mixed Use Developments  |  Office Towers  |  Regional Malls  |  Restaurants
Single Unit Office Buildings  |  Single Unit Retail Buildings  |  Strip Malls


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