Whether it be owner occupied or single tenant office, ELLIOTT®
has the experience necessary to determine the market value of Single Unit
Office Buildings. In many cases with owner occupied properties, there exists
little if any arm’s length lease information from which to draw income stream
conclusions. We are capable of collecting data from the market to be used in
developing professional opinions of value where property interest is closely
Single Unit Office Buildings typically have no property
owners associations which affect how maintenance is carried out. This can be a
good thing in some cases and not so good in others. Our firm is capable of
detecting deferred maintenance and evaluating its effect on office property.
We offer Single Unit Office Building appraisals anywhere in
the United States. This can be particularly important where finding qualified
appraisers in outlying suburbs and in remote areas is of a concern.
Banks |
Complexes |
Office Condominiums
Convenience Stores |
Drug Stores
Mixed Use Developments |
Office Towers
Regional Malls |
Single Unit
Office Buildings |
Single Unit
Retail Buildings |
Strip Malls