The Regional Mall is a property which flourished in the
latter half of the 20th century. Many large cities in the United States boast
of having multiple Regional Shopping Malls and some small cities have them as
well. Most of these malls were built in the 1970s and 1980s. While many
Regional Malls have been and continue to be very successful, others have fallen
on hard times in recent years making way for the more popular Strip Mall. This
has particularly been the case in the smaller towns. Some have been successfully
converted to mixed type uses which include offices and other non- retail space.
In geographic areas where these properties have struggled, the challenges have
included reduced customer acceptance, security and common area maintenance
Appraising the Regional Mall can be a challenge to the
appraiser not experienced in appraising these properties. This is especially
true of the property experiencing challenges of occupancy. Determining the
Highest and Best Use sometimes can be a serious question where alternative uses
are under consideration.
We at ELLIOTT® are qualified to evaluate Regional Malls anywhere in
the United States. We have an understanding of the market, and where challenges
exist relative to Highest and Best Use, we are capable of establishing not only
an appropriate use but realistic value conclusion.
Banks |
Office Complexes |
Office Condominiums
Convenience Stores |
Mixed Use Developments |
Office Towers
Regional Malls |
Unit Office Buildings |
Unit Retail Buildings |