When a property’s Highest and Best Use is called into question, finding credible answers should not be left to chance. “Under use” of a property, or using a property for a use which is not its most productive use, can cost property owners large amounts of money each year. All too often taking the path of least resistance by continuing to use a property for its past use, without giving consideration to its most productive use, may result in lower than necessary economic returns from the property. Seeking counsel from a professional to offer alternate use solutions may be not only a wise decision, but a necessary one. Professional real estate appraisers with expertise in a given real estate property type, can provide a Change of Use Study offering the owner comfort in knowing that his or her property is producing at its highest capacity.
ELLIOTT® & Company Appraisers is available to provide Change of Use Studies for any property anywhere. We have a panel of appraisers nationwide to provide Use Study services. Call us and learn how we may help you determine the most productive use of your property.